Yemeni Poemfilms: Call for artists, filmmakers and animators
The University of Liverpool and University of Leeds, in collaboration with Liverpool Arab Arts Festival, are working on a series of community projects with the Yemeni community in the UK to create new poems which respond to poems and stories by contemporary poets in Yemen.
For the project we are commissioning four short poemfilms – works combining poetry and film.
Each poemfilm will be a creative response to a poem lasting between 2 – 5 minutes.
Filmmakers can work in any media but we are keen that at least one of the poemfilms is an animation. You will not be required to identify a poet as the project team will facilitate this.
The filmmakers can choose either to work with the poet themselves, who will record their poem, or with an actor, but the final soundtrack should be one that can be translated into both English and Arabic.
The poemfilm can offer its own interpretation of the poem, but should be in general sympathy with the poet’s original work.
The finished works should be able to be viewed by a general audience.
The poemfilms, which will be shown in a variety of settings across the UK and internationally, will launched at Liverpool Arab Arts Festival in July 2020. Project start date December 2019.
Fees for poemfilms will be in the region of £1k-2k per poemfilm (to be discussed with each shortlisted proposal)
Further examples of poemfilms can be found at and
How to apply
Contact details (name, email and phone number)
Short biography
Web links or examples of previous film work (no more than 5 examples)
Proposed outline of your poemfilm (such as general format and how you would like to explore working with a chosen poem/poet)
Outline budget for your poemfilm
Please send all documents, files links via WeTransfer to
Deadline for applications: 12pm, Monday 24 June 2019
For more information, please email